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Date : 1998-06-04
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The Auks Alcidae Bird Families of the World Anthony J ~ The Auks is part of Oxfords multivolume Bird Families of the World a new series of handbooks for professional scientists and amateur ornithologists Each volume gives a comprehensive synthesis of current knowledge on one bird family or several related families the complete series will be the definitive source for information on species of birds
Auks birds of the family Alcidae Beauty of Birds ~ Auks birds of the family Alcidae Auks are mediumsized seabirds that mostly occur in the in the Northern Hemisphere north of the north of its equator
Alcidae bird family Britannica ~ Family Alcidae auks murres puffins and relatives Small to large denseplumaged shortwinged aquatic birds Plumage black gray or brown usually white below Many have ornamental bill and head plumes
Family Alcidae Auks auklets guillemots murrelets ~ Auks auklets guillemots murrelets murres puffins and Razorbill The family Alcidae is a very old family with roots extending back 3040 million years earlier of more From geological studies the northern Pacific Ocean was the centre of origin for most or all of the modern Alcids but more fossils have been recorded in the Atlantic Ocean
Alcidae auks murres puffins Wildlife Journal Junior ~ The Alcidae family includes the auks puffins and murres The birds in this family look a lot like penguins They are black and white and stand upright Like penguins they are very good swimmers and divers but unlike penguins they can fly Auks murres and puffins have short wings and webbed feet
Auks Alcidae HBW Alive ~ The family Alcidae is made up of a highly specialized and ecologically diverse group of marine wingpropelled pursuitdiving birds The present day auks are small to mediumsized birds with small wings and short tails with plumage that is mainly black or dark grey above and white below
Alcidae Auks BTO British Trust for Ornithology ~ Alcidae Auks In some ways the auks are the penguins of the Northern Hemisphere though they are in fact completely unrelated Both auks and penguins are deep diving seabirds that feed by pursuing fish underwater however unlike the penguins which have lost the power of flight most auks can fly though with their fast whirring flight and dumpy bodies it sometimes seems only just
The Auks Alcidae by Anthony J Gaston ~ The auks are marine birds widespread in the cooler parts of northern seas Often regarded as the northern hemispheres counterparts to penguins they are accomplished underwater swimmers able to dive to great depths Among bird families they exhibit an unusual degree of variability in their breeding sites
Auk Wikipedia ~ An auk or alcid is a bird of the family Alcidae in the order Charadriiformes The alcid family includes the murres guillemots auklets puffins and murrelets Apart from the extinct great auk all auks are notable for their ability to fly under water as well as in the air Although they are excellent swimmers and divers their walking appears clumsy
Bird Families of the World BTO British Trust for ~ Bird Families of the World This page lists all 28 of the bird Orders found in the world and 82 Families within the large Order Passeriformes together with an indication of the number of species occurring in each and the number of species which have occurred in Britain
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