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Date : 1998-07-16
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Crystal Structure Determination Oxford Chemistry Primers ~ Crystal Structure Determination is a classic in its own right and a great first text to read if you think you may be interested in crystallography Once you got a little deeper into crystallography you may also want to read the following books Id recommend to read them in the order given here
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Customer reviews Crystal Structure ~ This text is wellwritten for the stated purpose of introducing chemistry students to the subject of crystal structure determination Graduate students as well as advanced undergraduates will find this an outstanding point of entry into the field The language is mostly very clear but at times
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Crystal Structure Analysis A Primer Iucr Texts on ~ Crystal structure determination is sometimes seen by the uninformed as a sort of magic method that creates perfect pictures of molecules out of thin air The GluserkTrueblood describes potential pitfalls and it makes very clear what you can and what you can not learn from a crystal structure
Oxford Chemistry Primers Series LibraryThing ~ The Oxford Chemistry Primers are a series of short texts providing accessible accounts of a range of essential topics in chemistry and chemical engineering Written with the needs of the student in mind these books offer just the right level of detail for undergraduate study and are invaluable as a source of material commonly presented in
Oxford Chemistry Primers Wikipedia ~ The Oxford Chemistry Primers are a series of short texts providing accounts of a range of essential topics in chemistry and chemical engineering written for undergraduate study The first primer Organic Synthesis The Roles of Boron and Silicon was published by Oxford University Press in 1991
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