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Date : 2003-05-01
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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance ~ The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance Two volumes Edited by Dennis Kennedy Provides comprehensive and authoritative information about theatre and performance from ancient Greece to the present day Takes an international approach to theatre and performance with indepth coverage of nonWestern genres styles performers and theatrical centres
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance Two ~ Ultimately although The Cambridge Guide to Theatre rev ed Cambridge 1995 remains the most comprehensive singlevolume reference source and at 50 is relatively cheap The Oxford Encyclopedia is a solid set recommended for academic and large libraries with strong theater collections
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance Two ~ This new encyclopedia from Oxford views theater and performance as human expressions with large cultural significance These expressions extend beyond traditional theater to include opera film
Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance Oxford ~ Entries on cities and regions place performance in its local social and political context Written in accessible language this encyclopedia brings together an international cast of over 300 specialist contributors
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance Two ~ The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance Two Volumes Two Volumes Edited by Dennis Kennedy
Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance The ~ Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance Online access to 2volume print version 2003 articles from Greek theatre to present about theatre dance opera radio film television and popular performance including carnivals circus and public performances
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre Performance ~ From ancient Greek theatre to the latest developments in stage design from the trancedances of Sumatra to an extensive biography of the legendary actormanager Eleonore Duse the Encyclopedia provides unrivaled information across the broad sweep of theatrical activity
Oxford Companion to Theatre and Performance Oxford Reference ~ Dennis Kennedy This Oxford Companion is based on the celebrated Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance and covers styles and movements organizations regions and traditions it has a particularly strong focus on biographies of actors playwrights directors and designers
Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World Oxford Reference ~ With eight volumes containing over 2000 AZ entries the Encyclopedia benefits from the vast outpouring of work on world history in the modern period and on related areastudies Informative articles by an array of leading scholars offer an unprecedented breadth of information relating to the modern world
James McIntyre theatrical actor Wikipedia ~ James McIntyre 8 August 1857 – 18 August 1937 was an American minstrel performer vaudeville and theatrical actor and a partner in the famous blackface tramp comedy duo act McIntyre and Heath 1
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