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Date : 2014-12-02
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Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament ~ He argues that textual scholarship has had an important influence on the meaning given to the term New Testament Starting with the observation that a text is a process not an object he proposes a new way of understanding the relationship between manuscripts the texts which manuscripts contain and the work they represent as the basis for critical scholarship
Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament ~ About the Author David Parker FSA is Edward Cadbury Professor of Theology in the University of Birmingham and Director of the Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing He is Executive Editor of the International Greek New Testament Project which is making critical editions of the Gospel of John and Pauls letters and is also
Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament ~ Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament The Lyell Lectures Oxford The book is going through its biggest revolution since Gutenberg Thanks to computer tools and electronic publication the concept and realisation of critical editions are being rethought
Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament ~ Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament The Story of the New Testament Text Movers Materials Motives Methods and Models The Byzantine TextType and New Testament Textual Criticism Fundamentals of New Testament Textual Criticism Books and Readers in the Early Church A History of Early Christian Texts
Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament ~ As so often in the history of scholarship editors of the New Testament are making a vital contribution to these changes In this book originally the Lyell Lectures in Bibliography at Oxford David C Parker explores textual scholarship in particular the idea of the edition
Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament ~ Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament is a perceptive and enjoyable book
Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament ~ It argues that textual scholarship has been an important influence in the development of the concept of the ‘New Testament’ Starting with the observation that a text is a process not an object the book proposes a new way of understanding the relationship between documents texts and the work they represent as the basis for critical scholarship
Textual scholarship and the making of the New Testament ~ Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament is a perceptive and enjoyable book
Parker Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New ~ “Textual scholarship defines the ways in which we understand a work …” 12 It follows that textual scholarship is a key factor in the ongoing process of shaping the Bible
Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament ~ Fishpond Indonesia Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament The Lyell Lectures Oxford by David C ParkerBuy Books online Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament The Lyell Lectures Oxford 2014
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