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Date : 2015-11-01
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Water A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions ~ Water A Very Short Introduction introduces the science of water and explores how the structure of water molecules gives rise to its physical and chemical properties Considering water in all three of its states—ice steam and liquid—it explains the great importance of understanding its structure and behaviour for fields such as chemistry astrophysics and earth and environmental sciences
Water A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions ~ In this Very Short Introduction John Finney introduces the science of water and explores how the structure of water molecules gives rise to its physical and chemical properties Considering water in all three of its states as ice and steam as well as liquid Finney explains the great importance of an understanding of its structure and behaviour to a range of fields including chemistry astrophysics and earth and environmental sciences
Water A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions ~ Water A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions Book 440 Kindle edition by John Finney Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading Water A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions Book 440
1 Water water everywhere … Very Short Introductions ~ Water H2O is the most abundant compound on the Earth’s surface and occurs naturally in gas liquid and solid forms It is estimated that there are 19 billion billion tonnes of water on our planet with even more in the Earth’s mantle ‘Water water everywhere …’ outlines how water arose from the Big Bang how it got to Earth and describes how scientists deciphered its molecular
Water A Very Short Introduction John Finney Oxford ~ Very Short Introductions Provides an introduction to the science of water ice snow and steam and how the structure of water molecules gives rise to its physical and chemical properties Discusses the key role of water in biology and the possibility of water on other planets in the Solar System and beyond
Water A Very Short Introduction by John Finney ~ Water dominates the surface of Earth and is vital to life on our planet It is a remarkable liquid which shows anomalous behaviour In this Very Short Introduction John Finney introduces the science of water and explores how the structure of water molecules gives rise to its physical and chemical properties
6 Water as a biomolecule Very Short Introductions ~ ‘Water as a biomolecule’ considers how water influences biological processes and what properties of the water molecule enable it to do so by focusing on the role of water in the structure and operation of enzymes Water A Very Short Introduction John Finney Publisher Access to the complete content on Very Short Introductions
2 The water molecule and its interactions Very Short ~ Access to the complete content on Very Short Introductions online requires a subscription or purchase Public users are able to search the site and view the abstracts and keywords for each book and chapter without a subscription
Browse In Chemistry Very Short Introductions online ~ Water dominates the surface of Earth and is vital to life on our planet It is a remarkable liquid that shows anomalous behaviour Water A Very Short Introduction introduces the science of
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