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Date : 1983-04-28
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Customer reviews The Mathematical Theory of ~ This is to derive the mathematical theory of black holes which is succeeds to do and explores several frontiers The general mathematical introduction is rigorous but you can follow along if you are exposed to the notation of general relativity
The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes Oxford Classic ~ Explains very clearly the mathematics behind the theory and its prediction of the very exotic black holes The author largely uses the tetrad or vierbein approach in general relativity so familiarity with the basic theory is assumed Weinbergs text is a good introduction here as is knowledge of differential forms
THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF BLACK HOLES International ~ By S Chandrasekhar pp 646 £55 Oxford University Press 1983
The mathematical theory of black holes S Chandrasekhar ~ The mathematical theory of black holes S Chandrasekhar This volume was written in 1983 when there was little physical evidence for the existence of black holes Series The International series of monographs on physics 69 File DJVU 376 MB SendtoKindle or Email Please login to your account first Need help Please read our short
The mathematical theory of black holes NASAADS ~ Abstract A detailed treatment of the mathematical theory of black holes is presented The analytical methods on which the theory is based are reviewed and a spacetime of sufficient generality to encompass the different situations arising in the study of black holes is developed
The mathematical theory of black holes Book 1983 ~ The mathematical theory of black holes S Chandrasekhar Home WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help Search Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library Create International series of monographs on physics Oxford England
The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes Subrahmanyan ~ The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes Volume 69 of International series of monographs on physics Oxford classic texts in the physical sciences Oxford science publications Author Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Edition illustrated reprint revised Publisher Clarendon Press 1998 ISBN 0198503709 9780198503705 Length 646 pages Subjects
The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes Subrahmanyan ~ The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes In 1935 Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar challenged the prevailing theory of the day by suggesting that not all stars die the same death He proposed that stars with more than 14 times the mass of the sun were compressed by their own gravitational forces into dense dark objects
International Series of Monographs on Physics Oxford ~ The International Series of Monographs on Physics has been one of the preeminent series in the subject since its foundation in 1930 under the editorship of Fowler and Kapitza It began with the famous books by Dirac and by Van Vleck and went on to publish the works of many of the centurys great physicists
Oxford Mathematical Monographs Oxford University Press ~ Oxford Mathematical Monographs is a wellestablished and authoritative series It includes texts and monographs covering many topics of current research interest in pure and applied mathematics It includes texts and monographs covering many topics of current research interest in pure and applied mathematics
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