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Date : 1985-07-11
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Category : Book

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Physical Properties of Crystals Their Representation by ~ The author formulates the physical properties of crystals systematically in tensor notation presenting tensor properties in terms of their common mathematical basis and the thermodynamic relations between them The mathematical groundwork is laid in a discussion of tensors of the first and second ranks
Physical Properties of Crystals Their Representation by ~ Properties of the unit cell of each crystal can be measured with respect to appropriate reference axes and the data can be put to use by scientists and engineers In this method the physical and chemical properties are represented by tensors and matrices
Physical Properties of Crystals Their Representation by ~ Physical Properties of Crystals Their Representation by Tensors and Matrices J F Nye First published in 1957 this classic study has been reissued in a paperback version that includes an additional chapter bringing the material up to date
Physical Properties of Crystals Their Representation by ~ Physical Properties of Crystals Their Representation by Tensors and Matrices Larry W Finger Carnegie Institution of Washingtons Geophysical Laboratory Washington DC 20008
Physical Properties of Crystals Their Representation by ~ The author formulates the physical properties of crystals systematically in tensor notation presenting tensor properties in terms of their common mathematical basis and the thermodynamic relations between them The mathematical groundwork is laid in a discussion of tensors of the first and second ranks
Physical Properties of Crystals Their Representation by ~ Physical Properties of Crystals Their Representation by Tensors and Matrices J F Nye 1985 Clarendon Press Oxford University Press xvii329 pp price £15 paperback ISBN 0 19 851165 5 A review o af wellknown and trusted work such as this is difficult It is 28 years since Professor Nyes book first appeared in hardback form The
Physical Properties of Crystals J F Nye Oxford ~ Physical Properties of Crystals Their Representation by Tensors and Matrices J F Nye Gives a unified and systematic presentation of the tensor properties of crystals and explains their common mathematical basis and the thermodynamical relations between them
9780198511656 Physical Properties of Crystals Their ~ The author formulates the physical properties of crystals systematically in tensor notation presenting tensor properties in terms of their common mathematical basis and the thermodynamic relations between them The mathematical groundwork is laid in a discussion of tensors of the first and second ranks
Physical Properties of Crystals – Their Representation by ~ Physical Properties of Crystals – Their Representation by Tensors and Matrices J F Nye 1985 Clarendon Press Oxford University Press xvii 329 pp price £15 paperback ISBN 0 19 851165 5 A review of a wellknown and trusted work such as this is difficult It is 28 years since Professor Nyes book first appeared in hardback form
Physical Properties of Crystals Their Representation by ~ The author formulates the physical properties of crystals systematically in tensor notation presenting tensor properties in terms of their common mathematical basis and the thermodynamic relations between them The mathematical groundwork is laid in a discussion of tensors of the first and second ranks
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