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Date : 1998-07-30
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Quantum Symmetries on Operator Algebras Oxford ~ Buy Quantum Symmetries on Operator Algebras Oxford Mathematical Monographs on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders
Quantum Symmetries on Operator Algebras David E Evans ~ In the last 20 years the study of operator algebras has developed from a branch of functional analysis to a central field of mathematics with applications in both pure mathematics and mathematical physics The theory was initiated by von Neumann and Murray as a tool for studying group
Staff View Quantum symmetries on operator algebras ~ Oxford mathematical monographs Subjects Operator algebras Quantum groups Symmetry Physics Mathematical physics Tags Add Tag No Tags Be the first to tag this record a Quantum symmetries on operator algebras c David E Evans and Yasuyuki Kawahigashi 260
Quantum symmetries on operator algebras ORCA ~ In the last 20 years the study of operator algebras has developed from a branch of functional analysis to a central field of mathematics with applications and connections with different areas in both pure mathematics foliations index theory Ktheory cyclic homology affine KacMoody algebras quantum groups low dimensional topology and mathematical physics integrable theories statistical mechanics conformal field theories and the string theories of elementary particles
Quantum Symmetries on Operator Algebras ResearchGate ~ Quantum Symmetries on Operator Algebras DAVID E EVANS School of Mathematics University of Wales Cardiff and YASUYUKI KAWAHIGASHI Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Tokyo CLARENDON
AMS eBooks Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ~ David E Evans and Yasuyuki Kawahigashi Quantum symmetries on operator algebras Oxford Mathematical Monographs The Clarendon Press Oxford University Press New York 1998 Oxford Science Publications
AMS Journal of the American Mathematical Society ~ Zhenghan Wang Topological quantum computation CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics vol 112 Published for the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences Washington DC by the American Mathematical Society Providence RI 2010
Operator Algebras in Rigid CTensor Categories SpringerLink ~ When mathcalC mathsfHilbmathsffd the category of finite dimensional Hilbert spaces we recover the usual notions of operator algebras We generalize basic representation theoretic results such as the GelfandNaimark and von Neumann bicommutant theorems along with the GNS construction
London Mathematical Society Monographs Oxford University ~ The LMS Monograph Series is a series of hardback books published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the London Mathematical Society The Series will contain authoritative accounts of current research in mathematics and high quality expository works bringing the reader to the frontiers of research
Symmetric Functions and Hall Polynomials Semantic Scholar ~ Symmetric Functions and Hall Polynomials SECOND EDITION OXFORD MATHEMATICAL MONOGRAPHS Series Editors J M Ball E M Friedlander I G Macdonald L Nirenberg R Penrose J T Stuart OXFORD MATHEMATICAL MONOGRAPHS Quantum symmetries on operator algebras Norbert Klingen Arithmetical similarities prime decomposition and finite group
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