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Date : 2005-04-14
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DNA Topology Fundamentals Tufts University ~ DNA Topology Fundamentals Sergei M MirkinUniversity of Illinois at Chicago Illinois USA Topological characteristics of DNA and specifically DNA supercoiling influence all major DNA transactions in living cells DNA supercoiling induces the formation of unusual secondary structure by specific DNA repeats which can also affect DNA functioning
DNA Topology and Topoisomerases Teaching a “Knotty” Subject ~ DNA topology should be an integral component of biochemistry and molecular biology curricula for a number of reasons including Topology affects virtually every nucleic acid process that requires the double helix to be Topoisomerases the enzymes that regulate the topological structure
DNA Topology an overview ScienceDirect Topics ~ DNA Topology Cancer Therapeutics William N Hait Topoisomerases correct the altered DNA William N Hait Topoisomerases correct the altered DNA DNA Topoisomerases Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Camptothecins for drug design cancer cell death and gene
DNA Topology Serious Science ~ Topology or as you can call it pseudotopology plays an important role in linear DNAs as well If DNA is not circular but very long in many respects it behaves as if it were circular Thus topological issues are very important in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes
DNA Structure and Topology ~ DNA GEOMETRY DNA is a doublestranded macromolecule in which each strand is a polymer of deoxyribonucleotide monomers The monomers are linked by phosphodiester bonds between the 3 carbon of one deoxyribose molecule and the 5 carbon of another
DNA Topology Andrew D Bates Anthony Maxwell Oxford ~ Dr Andy Bates is at the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Liverpool Professor Tony Maxwell is Head of the Department of Biological Chemistry at the John Innes Centre Norwich
Nucleic acid structure Wikipedia ~ The nucleotides on one strand base pairs with the nucleotide on the other strand The secondary structure is responsible for the shape that the nucleic acid assumes The bases in the DNA are classified as purines and pyrimidines The purines are adenine and guanine Purines consist of a double ring structure
Dna topology SlideShare ~ Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance and to provide you with relevant advertising If you continue browsing the site you agree to the use of cookies on this website
Topological Behavior of Plasmid DNA ~ DNA topology is a critical factor in essentially all in vivo chromosomal processes including DNA replication RNA transcription homologous recombination sitespecific recombination DNA repair and integration of the abundant and mechanistically distinct forms of transposable elements Plasmids can be invaluable tools to define the dynamic mechanisms of proteins that shape DNA organize
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