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Sunday, October 6, 2019

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Date : 1999-09-16
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Microsatellites — Evolution and Applications Heredity ~ Microsatellites – those short but enormously useful repeated stretches of DNA – are found in most species and exhibit exceptional variability attributes which make them the marker of choice

Microsatellites Evolution and Applications 9780198504078 ~ Microsatellites are short stretches of repeated DNA that show exceptional variability in humans and most other species This variability has made microsatellites the genetic marker of choice for numerous applications including genetic mapping and studies of evolutionary connections between species and populations

Microsatellites Evolution and Applications NHBS ~ Microsatellites in conservation genetics 14 Microsatellites and the reconstruction of the history of human populations 15 Forensic applications of microsatellite markers 16 Tracking linkage disequilibrium in advanced population with microsatellite loci 17

Microsatellites David B Goldstein Christian ~ Microsatellites are short stretches of repeated DNA that show exceptional variability in humans and most other species This has made microsatellites the genetic marker of choice for most applications including genetic mapping and studies of evolutionary connections between species and populations

Microsatellites Evolution And Applications ~ Microsatellites are short stretches of repeated DNA that show exceptional variability in humans and most other species This variability has made microsatellites the genetic marker of choice for numerous applications including genetic mapping and studies of evolutionary connections between species and populations

Microsatellites Evolution and Applications Google Books ~ Microsatellites are short stretches of repeated DNA found in most genomes that show exceptional variability in humans and most other species This variability has made microsatellites the genetic marker of choice for most applications including genetic mapping and studies of theevolutionary connections between species and populations

Microsatellites and their genomic distribution evolution ~ Phylogeographical applications of microsatellites are eminently suitable where population structure is observed over a large geographical scale Koskinen et al 2002 Gum et al 2005 The latter study on grayling Thymallus thymallus shows that there is strong admixture among major lineages in contact zones between drainages zones

Microsatellite Wikipedia ~ A microsatellite is a tract of repetitive DNA in which certain DNA motifs ranging in length from one to six or more base pairs are repeated typically 5–50 times Microsatellites occur at thousands of locations within an organisms genome They have a higher mutation rate than other areas of DNA leading to high genetic diversity

Evolutionary Applications Wiley Online Library ~ Bolnick Amy L Angert Andrew Gonzalez Rowan D H Barrett Erika Crispo Alison M Derry Christopher G Eckert Dylan J Fraser Gregor F Fussmann Frederic Guichard Thomas Lamy Andrew G McAdam Amy E M Newman Antoine Paccard Gregor Rolshausen Andrew M Simons Andrew P HendrySOCIETY DISCOUNTSAuthors who are individual members of a listed society are eligible for a 20 discount

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